
Auf dieser Seite finden sie die aktuellen Stellenangebote der Forschungsgruppe "Informationsrecht für technische Systeme und Rechtsinformatik"

Welcome to the site of the Research Group for Information Technology Law and Legal Informatics at the KIT

We are one of the leading institutions in the field of computer science and the law. The research group for information technology law and legal informatics addresses diverse issues at the interface between law and technology.

With regard to our technical and economic reference fields

  • Next-Generation Networks and Net Neutrality
  • Internet of Services, Internet of Things and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • SmartGrid, SmartPrivacy, E-Mobility
  • Software as Institution

our IT-related legal research focuses on

  • Privacy
  • Media and communications law
  • Law of evidence
  • Metering law
  • Legal regulation in the energy sector
  • Intellectual property law and
  • Law of general terms and conditions.

Besides giving expert statements and consulting political decision-makers, we concentrate on the compliant design of IT-systems on the basis of our own research in the field of legal informatics. On the one hand, this is realized and embedded into concrete industry projects through our concepts of Lawful Service Engineering and Privacy by Design.  On the other hand, we are also engaged in fundamental research and conceptional works with regard to the formalization of the law.


Ältere Meldungen finden Sie in unserem News-Archiv.
